Green burials in a cemetary
Yes, I know there's not much to look at in this photo, but these little numbered plaques in a cemetery walkway are indicators that a green burial is right below your feet. Green burials are simple, eco-friendly methods of returning a person to the earth. Toxic chemicals may not be used to embalm the remains, burial shrouds or caskets must be constructed of biodegradable materials (such as unfinished wood, wicker, paper, cotton, or linen), and the burial doesn't use a vault or container. The practice of green burial is growing in acceptance across the nation, including western NY. The Rochester region is home to four of the state's eight cemeteries that have earned Green Burial Council certification: White Haven Memorial Park, Mt. Hope Cemetery, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, and Ascension Garden Cemetery. A grassy field, a rock lawn, or a nature trail are included in the cemetery's designated green burial areas.