An Unusually Shallow Cemetery

While visiting the Myrtle Beach area, I stopped at some local cemeteries, but this one was definitely my favorite. As you can see, all the burials are on the surface, flush with the ground. You can still see the handles of some of the caskets and vaults. I did some digging (pun intended) and found a little bit of information about this small abandoned-looking cemetery. Although it’s not abandoned, it’s not well kept, and there were even a few recent buries from this year already.

- Historically, it served as a burial ground primarily for the African-American community. Its designation as a "Community Cemetery" indicates it likely served a specific community or neighborhood.

- There are a recorded 818 burials (dated from 1973 to 2024) and are all hand-dug on the surface. We’re guessing because the area is all sand.

- Like many historic cemeteries, Pine Island Cemetery may have faced challenges related to neglect, vandalism, or development pressure over the years. However, efforts by community members, historical preservation groups, and local authorities have likely been made to protect and maintain the cemetery as a valuable cultural resource.

What are your thoughts??